ISSDA Annual Sponsor Packages
ISSDA Annual Sponsorship Packages run from the December Winter School through the next September Jail School. This includes all 4 conferences for the year. If you sign up after the December Winter School it will still run through the following September Jail School. We will contact you for each conference for VIP registration. Additional tables and vendor representatives may cost extra.
We are currently working on a conference app and software package for our conferences that will have more features and opportunities for more advertising. Stay tuned as we build out this new feature package. This will also include an app for you to scan conference badges for leads retrieval. THANK YOU for helping us accomplish this by your support.
Platinum Sponsor ($6,500)
- Attendee Pre/Post List
- Listed on ISSDA Website with a link to your website
- Listed on Conference Program
- Sponsorship level publication in 4 issues of Gold Star Magazine
- Permission for you to use ISSDA logo & sponsor level recognition on your advertising.
- Premium Exhibit space location with signage to all 4 conferences
- Four additional Exhibitor Rep registrations
- Classroom speaking opportunity at 4 conferences
- Sponsorship of Presidents Reception with table signage
- Two Tickets to attend Annual Banquet
- Platinum Partner signage for display in vendor area
- Sponsorship level acknowledgement during opening remarks of conference
Gold Sponsor ($5,000)
- Attendee Pre/Post List
- Sponsorship level acknowledgement during conference
- Listed on ISSDA Website with a link to your website
- Listed on Conference Program
- Sponsorship level publication in 4 issues of Gold Star Magazine
- Permission for you to use ISSDA logo & sponsor level recognition on your advertising.
- Exhibit space location with signage to 3 conferences
- Two additional Exhibitor Rep registration
- Classroom speaking opportunity at 3 conferences
- Sponsorship of Winter School Pre-Banquet Hospitality
- Gold Partner signage for display in vendor area
Silver Sponsor ($3,500)
- Attendee Pre/Post List
- Sponsorship level acknowledgement during conference
- Listed on Conference Program
- Sponsorship level publication in 4 issues of Gold Star Magazine
- Permission for you to use ISSDA logo & sponsor level recognition on your advertising.
- Listed on ISSDA Website with a link to your website
- Exhibit space location with signage to 2 conferences
- Speaking opportunity at 2 conferences
- Silver Partner signage for display in vendor area
Bronze Sponsor ($2,500)
- Attendee Pre/Post List
- Sponsorship level acknowledgement during conference
- Website Recognition
- Permission for you to use ISSDA logo & sponsor level recognition on your advertising.
- Listed on Conference Program
- Sponsorship level publication in 4 issues of Gold Star Magazine
- Bronze Partner signage for display in vendor area
- Exhibit space with signage at 1 conference